woensdag 3 augustus 2016

Champs Les Sims Castle Renovated

Champs les Sims Castle is pre-eminently an empty lot that has to be transformed in an original French chateau style. The rustic and, at the same time, luxuriant look of the medieval complex demands a chic approach about furnishing. In 2013 I tried to take this lovely French castle to a higher and refined level of interior design. Unfortunately, the result was a bit too traditional to my mind. Nevertheless its renovated representation still shows my search of realism really well. I hope you'll enjoy the pictures!

Front view of the impressive castle
The lovely courtyard.
The asymmetric building design implicates the idea of a over-time transformed functional fortress.
I loved the original kitchen, so I only did a few adjustments.
The billiard room
The salon
The study.
The ballroom.

The 'museum' room.
The spare bedroom.

The master bedroom.
The master bedroom (other side).
And just some outside views, just for fun.

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